WritEng Assignments
A brief synopsis of each assignment (below) highlights the general aim of each prompt. Links to corresponding assignment pages below will take you to the page prompt. Assignment prompts will not change during a semester but may change between semesters. I am always making updates and improving prompts when I receive feedback from students, peers, or colleagues.
Assignment Prompts
Students will reflect on their writing beliefs and those of others, responding to writing theory concepts.
Using multimodal text, sound, and visuals, students will examine the relationships between textual, audible, and visual components and analyze how elements use rhetorical strategies to send messages effectively (or not).
Students will read and evaluate 2 sources for their persuasive argument--1 popular, 1 peer-reviewed. Comparing similarities and contrasting differences, students will draw conclusions about how rhetorical strategies can be effective for different audiences.
After selecting and evaluating works for a major project, students will summarize sources, explain credibility and relevance, and personally reflect on how the sources will be useful in their research.
Usually a culminating assignment, students will apply persuasive strategies demonstrating the abilities to effectively make claims, use rhetorical appeals, and cite evidence to support claims. Emphasis is placed on ethical representation.
Various reflection prompts throughout the semester will offer metacognitive strategies for talking and thinking about writing and facilitating transfer.
Assignment Prompts
Assignment prompts can be found all over the internet and in writing communities. The essay prompts here are assignments I wrote while working on my masters and doctorate. I use these tools in my classroom, but articles and ideas came from networking with other teachers. Although I have shaped the prompts to fit my class competencies, I share these openly and hope other teachers will find useful elements to incorporate into their own assignments.
For teachers and students using these prompts, please reach out to me with any questions. Although these assignments are published here, assignments are subject to change based on my classroom needs. Anyone using my website but making changes to customize for their courses should keep a copy somewhere else. Send me your thInks using the comment form below.