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Hey, Readers!

WritEng is a publication blog site for my personal posts. "thInklings" are my personal meanderings. Writers J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S. Lewis fantasy authors once formed a book discussion group called "The Inklings." The title of my blog is a nod to these scholars. My site may or may not discuss books, though you are welcome to meet me here from time to time to time to read the thinks I ink.

Yet, I also share this site with other teachers, my students, friends, and anyone else who finds my musings read-worthy. I'm like a squirrel, curious but constantly caching ideas. I store books in my shelves like squirrels store nuts in their cheeks. Selections may be added, edited, or removed as I create, revise, reflect, edit, and sometimes delete content depending on my needs. Similarly, my thoughts are plugged into my blog. While I appreciate your readership, my site has been a labor of love for the things I want to express. I welcome visitors, but all rights to the content I generate are my own. Blog writings and assignment prompts are intended to be share but may be subject to change depending on my personal needs. The rights to all content I generate inures to my benefit. That is, my topics may not always be about writing, and sometimes might discuss my own writing struggles or victories. The privilege of reading is available to my students and any other audiences interested in consuming my words, but the right to revise and to delete remains with me. 

A word about the art . . . 

Rhetoric takes many forms. I believe that writing is art. Like many art forms, writing requires crafters to practice and hone their skills. Centered around rhetorical speech acts, rhetorical strategies used in writing can be enhanced in multimodal environments with visual, sound, action, and other effects. To complement the writing on this site (and make the site aesthetically pleasing), photos, art, videos, podcasts, and other media may be included from time to time. Unless otherwise noted, the additional content is my copyright. I will endeavor to credit sources anytime content from another source is used.

To prevent issues with copyrights, much of the art on this website is my own. All images are copyrighted by the website owner (that's me) unless otherwise stated near the artwork. From time to time, I may post an image with permission from another artist or source (usually my talented relatives). This is not permission for you to "borrow" the art I post; the art is owned by someone who is not you. Please respect the rights of the original artist and ask permission before using any works posted here. Check out the Copyrights page for more on use.

A note to reader audiences . . . 

I'm interested in what you think! Take a moment to drop me a line. When you're ready, full send! 

Happy writing!



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