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Nature's Poem

Last night, I got home to find a weird bug in the driveway. The bug looked like a stinging cricket--a black body with red stripes with a little stinger hanging off of the back. Nature is interesting. Even having passed through several decades of life, I am always learning something new about the world.

Writing is like that. One of my students asked me the other day how plagiarism is different from agreeing with something someone else said. Like nature we all have slight differences. People might agree, but because people have different experiences, each person has different ways of viewing a situation. People, like the things in nature, are unique.

Sometimes, I see the things of nature, and I interact with them. Like the squirrels I feed, writing is another way to interact with people. Think about the conversations waiting on the other end of a perspective. Then, write a response that uniquely your view.

Happy writing!

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