Sometimes I get bard and ink my thinks...
Sometimes, I take pic to go with my wit.

Big cup, little cup, fat lip cup, skinny lip cup, paper, ceramic, Yeti or knock off--coffee is good all day long. Get roasted.
As I sit and drink my morning coffee, I wonder if I can count it as a serving of vegetables. Coffee is a brewed bean, after all. I think I will have another cup--just in case. Mhmmm.
For years, my family's go-to-joe was Folger's. We've all kind of morphed our palates, but I've returned to the nostalgia of my youth. I used to get up in the morning the smell of coffee and tobacco. Yes, the odors of a good morning. The 1970s haze of cigarette smoke hung in the air, as each family member picked a mug from the tree and poured a cuppa. When the pot ran out, grandma piled a hefty scoop onto the soggy filter and ran through. Really lucky drinkers would get a nice strong cup from the third or fourth cup. Yep - the brew was so thick, you could practically stand a spoon up in it. Miss you, Grandma! <3

Sweet! When in Rome...flirt over a cup of coffee and steamed milk! That's amore'!

The Little Sequoia
The little seedling that could...grow, baby, grow!
(Olympic Peninsula, Washington)

Dash: A limerick
There once was a Dachshund named Dash
Who liked to eat socks in a flash
He shredded to threads
The socks left for dead
In heaps of slobbery mash.

Silo Sunset
Silver crowns of royalty flash reflections of
The orange and purple sunset.
Spires standing majestically in the center of town
Await harvest homage from their subjects.
Iron carts stand mounted on parallel rails like
Knights in armor waiting to charge down the tracks,
Halted on the gravelly main street.
By starting up their cacophonous symphony
Cicadas chirp their song, their crescendo
Winding down at the end of their mating call like
The end of a hard day’s work.
Soon the crickets join in.
An occasional ribbit sets a steady rhythm.
By the light of the fireflies I sit
Like a courtesan sipping fresh lemonade
On the back-porch swing
Watching the festivities of nature begin
Twilight's commencement.

A Doctoral Student's Lament
(Or Ode to Dissertation Writing)
Betwixt my pen and addled brain
Am I to write a sentence;
Ideas cease to produce fain
No wit my minds' eye reference.
Tho' foggy be my brain thus far
My fingers type ideas;
My prof his pen my paper mar
The errors most egregious.
For my brain hath wrought in twain,
Mushed be the words of research;
I can no longer bear the bain
My words critics must besmirch.

"I find the great thing in this world is not so much where we stand, as in what direction we are moving: To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it - but we must sail, and not drift, nor lie at anchor."
Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr., The Autocrat at the Breakfast Table, p. 93.

A stray dandelion seed danced across the air, just out of my reach. Mesmerized, I watched the single tiny dancer pirouette through the air, waving its plumage at me. I looked around the yard, wondering where the seed came from, and just as the little ballerina danced out of sight, I realized it was a dream I didn't reach out to catch.

Be Still
In the morning
I like to sit
in the cool dewy air
watching the sun
break the darkness
with orange rays
as the fiery orb
rising from the horizon
hinting of warmth
cuts a silver lining
out of the clouds
spreading light and color
across the Earth's landscape
like slowly pushing
the blanket of sleep away
before the world
makes the sounds
that drown
the beauty of this peace
full moment.

I watched the moon slice an arc
through the sky curtain
a bright sliver
-almost painfully beautiful to look at-
cut a smooth comma into the evening
a pause, a transition into night
...but not a full stop;
a separating of todays from tomorrows
reminding people to slow down for a bit
but not to quit.
How many moments do I miss
watching time pass me by
when I do not pause
to look up at the sky?

In Between
Above the clouds the sun shone bright
Alighting the westward sky,
But underneath them shadows lurked
Casting a dim reply.
Yet as we climb up in the air
In between the atmospheres
Sits a calm repose;
The sun shows dimly setting here
Causing me to marvel at the sight.
The clouds could no more keep us down
Than shadows walking by.
Through the window now I gaze
Watching their amorphous shapes
Cut roughly into the sky
Wond'ring if they'd feel so course or
Cotton on my cheek,
So many times in life
The easy route I seek
But often something looks like comfort
Ends up tricking me
Instead of falling for deceit
I choose my lot in life.
For after all these years
I've found my way through strife.
Now I sit here contemplating why
I find comfort in these clouds
Just appreciating God's vast views
Before touch down.